Monday, October 25, 2010

Kukkiwon Black Belt Testing at World Taekwondo Instructors' Academy - October 24, 2010

By Sir Nathaniel 3X Rhine

Sunday, October 24, 2010 marked the date for the Kukkiwon Black Belt Testing held at the dojang of the World Taekwondo Instructors' Academy (Malaysia), in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The vast majority of the participants were red belt holders wanting to be promoted to their first black belt, First Dan Black Belt.

There were two First Dan Black belt holders who sat to be promoted to Second Dan Black Belt.

There were two Third Dan Black Belt holders who sat to be promoted to the Fourth Dan Black Belt.

Two Fourth Dan Black Belt holders sat for the promotion test to be promoted to Fifth Dan Black Belt.

And one Sixth Dan Black Belt holder sat to be promoted to the Seventh Dan Black Belt.

This was the very first time in which I had the honor and privilege of seeing high ranking Black Belt holders being examined for their promotions. Not only that, but it was the very first time in which I saw Korean Masters being promoted! That in itself was inspiring.

Unfortunately, the few photographs that I was able to capture didn't turn out so well, for the two reasons being that I do not have a good camera and secondly, because I am not a great photographer. I do hope that you will get a sense of the event that took place. However, it was nothing like being there in person seeing the Masters perform their promotional testing.

Moreover, possessing a Black Belt certificate from Kukkiwon, the Headquarters of The World Taekwondo Federation, in Korea is a must if one desire to be recognized worldwide as a Taekwondo Instructor/Master of Taekwondo. Anywhere in the world, one will recognize and respect your credentials as a martial arts of Taekwondo with a Kukkiwon Black Belt Certificate. Yes, it is costly to obtain, however, the benefits are priceless. To learn more about Kukkiwon, please visit their website for more details.

To all of the participants of this weekend's Black Belt Promotional Testing, I would like to congradulate you on a job well done and encourage you to continue in this wonderful way of life we call, Taekwondo.

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