Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Ten Points to Becoming a Good Student of Taekwondo

By Sir Nathaniel Rhine

Below are just ten points that I would like to share with you about becoming a good student of Taekwondo. It is not limited to these ten. There are much more, however, I think ten is a good start. As time goes on, I will add to the list.

1. Never tire of learning. A good student can learn anywhere and at anytime. This is the key to acquiring knowledge.

2. A good student must be willing to sacrifice for his art and his Instructor. Many students as well as parents, feel that their training is a commodity bought with monthly fees, and are unwilling to take part in any demonstration, teaching, or work around the dojang. As an Instructor I can afford to lose this type of student.

3. Always set a good example to lower ranking students. It is only natural that they will attempt to emulate their seniors.

4. Always be loyal and never criticise the Master/Instructor, Taekwondo, or the teaching methods used.

5. If a Master/Instructor teaches a technique, practice it and attempt to utilize it.

6. Remember that a students’ conduct outside the dojang reflects on art of Taekwondo and the Master/Instructor.

7. If a student adopts a technique from another dojang and the Master/Instructor disapproves of it, the student must discard it immediately, or train at the dojang where it was learned.

8. Never be disrespectful to the Master/Instructor. Although a student is allowed to disagree with the Master/Instructor, he must first follow the instructions, and then if necessary discuss the matter later in private with the Master/Instructor.

9. A student must always be eager to learn and ask questions.

10. Never break a trust.

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