Tuesday, July 13, 2010

This Thing Called Taekwondo. What is it?

By Sir Nathaniel Rhine

Today many people are talking about this thing called Taekwondo. In actual fact what is it? Simply put, it is a version of an ancient form of unarmed combat practiced for many centuries in the Orient. Taekwondo has matured in its present form in Korea.

Translated from the Korean language, “tae” literally means to jump, kick or smash with the foot. “Kwon” means using the hand and/or fist to punch or destroy. “Do” means the art, way or method. In simple English, Taekwondo is the martial art of using both the feet and hands. It is the technique of unarmed combat for self defence, involving the skilled application of punches, kicks, blocks, dodges and interception with the hand, arms and feet to the rapid destruction of the opponent.

The practitioner of Taekwondo, it is more than a mere use of skilled movements. Rather it implies a way of thinking and life, particularly in instilling a concept and spirit of strict self-imposed discipline and an ideal of noble moral rearmament.

In today’s world where crime, violence and intimidation are on the increase, Taekwondo enables anyone to posses a fine and powerful weapon to defend oneself and defeat the opponent as well. It is a means of building one’s level of self confidence. There are so many benefits of practicing Taekwondo. Perhaps in future articles I will share with you some of those benefits. Thank you for your time.

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